
Where to get your Coffee to go

Vietnamese iced coffee and Oslo in black and white, captured by Hoang Bui and his 50mm. This is where you should have your coffee to go or hummus for lunch...

Who:Hoang Bui, 30 år.

What: Oslo50mm /Greasy Coffee & Lunch

Where: Storgata 25

When did you decide to open a coffee and lunch bar? In 2013 , after I was tired of working as a graphic designer for agencies.

Which coffee is your specialty ? Coffee Sua Da, a Vietnamese iced coffee. You will get a taste of this the next time you visit.

Every 6 coffee free, it's better than both Starbucks and Stockfleths...? I need customers hehe.

You set your own photographs, when did your interest in photography start? I started taking pictures when I was 14-15, so there has been some holiday pictures. The pictures on the wall are my contribution / homage to the city I 've been raised in.

What do you love most with Oslo? The Size. Perfect size. Not too small, not too big. 

Are you off to New York-  check out Envelopes guide- Where to drink coffee in New York here.

Envelope by Celine Aagaard

Visited january 2016.

Vietnamesisk iskaffe og Oslo by sett gjennom en 50mm. Sjekk ut Oslos nye kaffebar, og møt gründeren Hoang Bui til ukens kaffeprat.

Kort- hvem er du? Hoang Bui, 30 år.

Hva: Driver Oslo50mm /Greasy Coffee & Lunch

Hvor: Storgata 25

Når bestemte du deg for å åpne kaffe/lunsj bar? I 2013, etter at jeg var lei å jobbe som grafisk designer for byråer.

Hvilken kaffe er din spesialitet? Kaffe Sua Da, som er vietnamesisk iskaffe. Du skal få smake på denne neste gang du er innom.

Hver 6 kaffe gratis, det er jo bedre enn både kaffebrenneriet og Stockfleths. Jeg trenger kunder hehe.

Du stiller ut egne bilder, når startet din interesse for foto? Jeg begynte å ta bilder da jeg var 14-15, så har det vært en del feriebilder siden. Bildene på veggen er mitt bidrag/hyllest til byen jeg har vært oppvokst i siden jeg var liten.

Hva elsker du mest med Oslo? Størrelsen. Perfekt størrelse. Ikke for liten, ikke for stor. Man har alt det man trenger uten at man går seg vill. Det er hyggelig å  forsatt kunne hilse på folk man kjenner i byen.


The owner, barista and photographer loves his city and has taken all the pictures on the wall with his 50mm lens. his vision is to combine his passion for photography and food.


Wanna try the special?Coffe Sua Da is a Vietnamese iced coffee.


Cappuccino to go with the clean logo on.


On the menu you will find coffee, hummus, homemade bagels, smoothies and other fresh goodies. The green juices are homemade and fresh from the kitchen.
