
Meet the Street Style photographer

How to be spotted by the Street Style Photographers part 1

Vogue contributor Daniel Bruno Grandl loves Scandinavia - and how we dress. But how to get his attention? Envelope talks fashion, style and how to be spotted in the streets by the Urbanspotter during Fashion Week.

Name: Daniel Bruno Grandl

Camera: Canon 1dx


Clients: Amongst others Vogue International Contributor

Where are you Based? London

What do you look for In a good picture? When I am out and about taking street style shots I basically have certain criteria in my head that act as a guideline for shooting streetstyle. Ultimately these criteria determine if I can create an esthetically pleasing picture or not. For example, if I see that a person is wearing some sort of head accessory and I think that it looks great then I will try to capture and highlight this in the best way possible with some sort of upper body or detailed headshot from a good angle. In this case it is irrelevant what the person is wearing below because I will get a good shot anyway. On the other hand, if I feel that the overall look of a person is worth capturing then I will do a full-body shot rather than a detail shot. Generally speaking, I always try to focus on documenting the fashion of our times and the way people express themselves through what they wear and how they wear it.

Favorite People to photograph right now? This constantly changes, but at the moment I quite enjoy taking pictures of models such as Aia Busk, Laura Julie, Emily Astrup, Julia Hafstrom and Emmy Rappe – they are all Scandinavian

What do you think about Scandinavian girls? I love everything about Scandinavia, including the food, nature and obviously the girls too. I really like how Scandinavians dress. I am regularly in southern Sweden and visit smaller towns like Kalmar or Lund and am always impressed by the styles I see there. I would say that the average Scandinavian dresses way better than the average German for example. I am actually a very big fan of the oversized and minimal lines that characterizes Scandinavian fashion.

Any tip for an unknown person to Get The Photographers attention during fashion week? Try to be yourself, as everyone else is already taken.  Be confident but not to keen or desperate as this is a big turn off for photographers, no matter how well you are dressed. You do not need to wear designer clothes and statement pieces in order to get my attention. If you pull off a great outfit wearing only second-hand clothes then that is amazing.

When did you start to shoot fashion? I properly started shooting street style in 2013.

What is style for you? For me style is the total combination of how you dress, your appearance, how you talk and move. It is how you express yourself to the outside world. Fashion you can buy, style you cannot.

Whats Your highlight In Your career? As you meet so many interesting people within the fashion industry from models to editors etc. it is difficult to highlight only one person or experience. I find it super exciting that I meet people from across the globe that I have the passion for fashion and creativity in common with. I think that is just amazing!

Envelope by Celine Aagaard


German photographer Daniel Bruno Grandl is based in London and travels around the world with his camera to catch the best pictures and style in the streets during Fashion Week. Visit his own webpage

photocred: Shootingthestyle


Follow @theurbanspotter for style inspo and Street Style pictures from around the world.


Sofie Brostrup shot by The Urbanspotter during Copenhagen Fashion Week wearing mesh dress, Wang Camera bag and sneakers.

Skjermbilde 2015-08-23 kl. 08.47.56

Daniel Bruni Grandl is shooting for Vogue.


Pernille shot by theurbanspotter in Copenhagen. The danish it-girl is wearing Lovechild 1979 cherry dress.

Skjermbilde 2015-08-20 kl. 10.47.41

Louise Mørk Mikkelsen shot by The Urbanspotter.
