
What to pack for the Riviera


What to pack and what not. Here are our top 12 must haves for your Riviera getaway.

Envelope by Celine Aagaard

1. Espadrilles - The number one pair of shoes for lazy days in the sun. (Espadrilles from Eurosko)

2. White denim shorts on a hot summer day, the white one is way more comfortable, and for the Riviera, more classy than a denim shorts. Style it with a white tee,  a black top or swimsuit.  (shorts from Replay)

3. Swimwear - Bikini + swimsuit ! Go for the triangle bikini and make sure to have a tube top in black for sunbathing by the pool. (From Calvin Klein)

4. SunglassesMake a selection of 3- a pair of Wayfarer for the beach, some white designer sunnies from Stella McCartnetfor your white outfit, and a pair of retro sunnies from Marc Jacobs og Victoria Beckahm. (Stella McCartney from Krogh Optikk)

5.Camera - Make sure to save the best moments on vacation - and make an album when youre back.

6.Sunscreen- make sure to bring a new sunscreen for your Holiday. For your face you should go for fact. 50.

7. The white dress - for the beach or beach party, or for a hot evening out.

8. The tunika. Bring a colorful printed tunika for a fun beach look, or your classy black for a soifisticated look.

9. Jeans - For a chill evening, styled with a nice open back top.

10. Basics - white, grey and black tops and tanks. goes with everything. 

11. Beauty musthaves - make a small selection, and bring your refill bottles for your shampoo & conditioner.

12. Underwear - Pack plenty so you dont need to think about laundry on vacation.
