
What to pack for Fashion Week?

Leave your black shoes at home, get yourself some prefall goodies, and make sure to pack your favorte basic T-shirts. 

Pre fall: Leave your summerdresses at home, its all about the next season during fashion week. Make sure you have some pre fall goodies to pack. In stores now.

Basics - Bring your favorite basics, nothings like well used T-shirts in white, black and grey. If not- go get some fresh slimfit tees at American Apparel - my all time favorite basic store. 

Jeans- Go for a flare pair of jeans, wide ankel jeans or a skinny bootcut.  Wide ankel jeans are totally back in fashion this season. 

Loafers- Perfect between the shows and for a casual street style look. 

Statment shoes Leave your black shoes at home, and go for a pair of boots in snakeskin for the AW15 collection. These are from ATP. Make a statement during fashionweek. 

Parfume- Choose your favorite, and make sure you have space for it in your bag when you run between shows - and dont have time for a shower. 

A black tie - You can use this around your neck, as a belt or as a headband. 

A personal passport holder- Make sure your passport still is valid and buy yourself a personal passport holder.

Bags- A luxury bag is an easy way to get attention outside the shows, but why make the easy choice? Go for an unique bag,  a statement one or a classic. Bag from Ganni. 

Sunglasses- No fashionweek without sunglasses.  Make sure you have a good selection with different shapes and styles. 
