

The Spring is finally here. The trees are greener, the air feels lighter, and it is time to clean out your closet to get ready for a more spring- friendly look. Every year we stumble upon the same problem; where to begin? We have made some questions that can help you with this, and this weeks World Recycle Week is a good opportunity to get the detox done. 

H&M aims to collect 1,000 tonnes unwanted or worn out garments this week from people worldwide. And you can easily precipitate with giving the clothes you don’t need to H&M this week -untill the 24th of april.

The frontfigure for the campaign is M.I.A- and the artist is featured in a video inspiring customers to recycle their old or unwanted clothes.

- World Recycle Week is about embracing important environmental issues such as the landfills, and highlighting a global movement, says M.I.A - to raise awareness she wrote the song- Rewear it for this World Recycle Week.

Join for a global fashion movement for the planet- everything helps as long as you don’t throw the clothes away. You can give it to any thrift-store or flea market that take in clothes. Both H&M, Red Cross and Fretex also take in worn out, and ruined clothes, so that is not a reason. We need to change our disposable society, and everyone can do something. Maybe you can arrange a swap party, where you give away what nobody wants?

But first you have to find out what you will give away:

What are you using?
Your winter garments are going into boxes, but before you do that, ask your self if you have used this the last months. Do you need it for the next winter?

What will you be using?
Try to think of what you actually will be using while cleaning your closet. Is this a garment that you can use in the future too? Does it fit you? Is it in style and/or represent you own style? Is it easy to combine with your other clothes?

How can you combine the clothes you already have?
Don’t be afraid to try out different combinations, and new ways to think. Maybe you can wear wide pants to that dress, instead of leggings as you always do. Or maybe you can wear that top outside the pants and not inside?

When you have finished your clean-out we have three easy tips to help you avoid buying clothes you don’t need. This will also help the environment, and you the next time you are cleaning-out the closet:

1. Think twice before you purchase an item.

2. Make a list over what you need when you are buying on sale.

3. Think quality instead of quantity.

Envelope by Stine Ripegutu

Read more about our journalist Stine here she stopped buying new clothes fo two years now

Nb. Dette er ikke annonsesamarbeid, men en oppfordring til alle om å samle inn klær og ike kaste tøy./ Envelope har tidligere hatt et samarbeid med H&M.


H&M aims to collect 1,000 tonnes of unwanted or worn out garments.


Rewear it. The frontfigure for the campaign is M.I.A- and the artist is featured in a video inspiring customers to recycle their old or unwanted clothes.


It is time to put your winter clothes away, and detox your wardrobe.


Give everything you don´t need to Fretex, a Flea Martket at school or the nearest H&M store this week so they can recycle it for you. 
