

Pernille Juvodden is the fresh intern and Blogger at Elle magasine. The model for agency TEAM Models is all about feeling comfortable this holiday. We had a lovely chat with her on mms. Get inspired by her key items this season and future plans. Check out our mms chat here!

Next up: Jens carlos Schwartz, Founder of P&J, and stylist for Thomas hayes and Tarjei sandvik Moe

Envelope by Selina Ekra Sei


When did you wake up this morning?

I woke up around 12 and I could probably sleep in until next year. I usually wake up early even when the calendar show me sunday, but now I just really enjoy the vacay!


You are what you eat! Show us todays breakfast: 

I've been eaten Christmas food since October, haha. I am a dinner type of person, I looove my potatos and gravy. Breakfast is just not my thing. 

Show us your christmas uniform!

I loooove my pajamas. I've been walking around in my blue pajamas for weeks, but then I got this jumpsuit by Adidas x Rita Ora for Christmas from my boyfriend. Definitely a new favourite of mine! And not to forget, the blue socks. It's for my grandpa who is no lenger with us. When I miss him I wear them. 

Favourite key item for this holiday?

My number one key item must be a really nice blazer that fits well! I love items that are comfortable. I think it shines through when a person is uncomfortable. That's why I love this velour set from St. Tropez. It's sexy, comfortable, with a loose fit!

What are you looking forward to in 2017?
